Dread Pirate Roberts 7 -- "As You Wish" Etching [SHARP]
Dread Pirate Roberts 7 -- "As You Wish" Etching [SHARP]
This rapier was inspired by Westley’s sword from The Princess Bride. The guard is an ambidextrous two ring design, simple but elegant. Good if you’re left handed or just pretending to be. ….
I’ve embellished the original design with Wesley’s iconic “as you wish” etched onto the ricasso.
The guard and pommel are laser sintered stainless steel. The grip is solid PETG covered in black leather lace.
It’s mounted with a sharp Kingston Arms rapier blade.
Scabbard is black leather with white brass fittings.
Blade Length: 37”
Overall Length: 43”
PoB: +3.35”
Weight: 1.75 lbs