Swallowing & Balancing Swords -- [ALUMINUM]
Swallowing & Balancing Swords -- [ALUMINUM]
This unusual set of swords was built for a Magician and Sword Swallower so that he could perform a very specific trick: Swallow one sword, place another sword upright on top of the handle emerging from his mouth, and then balance a 3rd curved sword on the point of the second sword!
The acute tip of the middle sword and the extreme curvature of the balancing sword combined with a tiny divot in it’s spine at just the right point make this a surprisingly stable arrangement. This setup allows the scimitar on top to spin quite easily without falling off the tip of the middle sword.
The middle sword has a hollow grip, allowing it to sleeve over the pommel and grip of the swallowing sword. That swallowing sword has a short and flexible blade made of stainless steel (which I did not make).
The grips of the lower two swords are wrapped in metallic leather lace. The hilt of the balancing scimitar-style sword is cast brass.