Prince Caspian Longsword [SHARP]
Prince Caspian Longsword [SHARP]
This sword was inspired by Prince Caspian’s sword from the Chronicles of Narnia film of the same name. It’s been re-imagined here as a longsword with somewhat different grip and pommel design.
The 35” long blade is a modified Tinker/Hanwei Sharp Longsword blade. The guard and pommel are steel (the pommel by Printed Armoury), and the waisted grip is PETG covered in blue leather and steel wire. The hilt secures with a 6mm recessed nut.
45.5” long overall, the sword weighs 3.5 lbs and the POB is 3.5” from the quillions.
The scabbard is blue leather over a wooden core with a steel chape.