Three Musketeers Rapier --- Athos Ferrule [SHARP]
Three Musketeers Rapier --- Athos Ferrule [SHARP]
This rapier was inspired by the Musketeer’s sword in the 90’s Disney version of the Three Musketeers.
The hilt is mild steel with etched details filled with translucent blue epoxy to mimic enameling. The grip is solid PETG covered in black leather with steel wire. The pommel is threaded 6x1mm.
A fileworked steel ferrule on the grip matches the film prop used by Athos.
It’s mounted with a sharp 38” rapier blade by Darkwood Armory.
The scabbard is brown leather over a flexible core with steel and nickel silver fittings.
Overall Length: 44”
Blade Length: 38”
Weight: 2.2 lbs
POB: +4”