Swept Hilt Sidesword [SHARP]

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Swept Hilt Sidesword [SHARP]


This hilt design combines several decorative elements from a schiavona in a rapier-style hilt with 3 stacked rings on each side.

I’ve paired it with a very sharp and nimble sidesword blade from Hanwei.

The hilt is steel. The pommel is threaded 6x1mm. Grip is steel wire over solid PETG with brass ferrules.

The sword is 41" overall with a 34.5" blade. It weighs 2.7 lbs and balances about 3" in front of the quillion block.

The scabbard (also from Kingston Arms) is leather over a fiberglass core with steel fittings. If you prefer a more historically correct scabbard form I can fabricate one from scratch.

If you like this hilt and are interested in having it mounted with a different blade, please contact me directly.

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